News and Announcements


Paxton United Methodist Church exists to grow and share God’s Love.

We welcome anyone in need of a local church home to come and join us in worship and service.


Join us for worship on Sundays at 9:15 am!

  • Worship is in-person and on FacebookLive, or at any time:
  • Sunday School for adults begins at 10:30am after worship!
  • Sunday school for children and youth available at 11:30 am.

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Paxton UMC Turns 50 in 2024

Celebrating PAXTON UMC’s Past, Present, and Future

Blessings rained down on us on May 19 as we celebrated
  • the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,
  • the 50th anniversary of our church building, and 
  • the opportunities we have to share God’s love in coming days and years by seeking to live a consecrated life.
You can take a next step toward a consecrated life! Share your thoughts and prayers with the church by completing this form. You can also use this form to update your contact information with Paxton.

Opportunities to Give and to Serve:

* District Conference Gathering

A mission collection of work and gardening gloves will be taken at a gathering of the Harrisburg District of the Susquehanna Conference, September 29 at 3pm, Fishing Creek Salem Church, 402 Valley Rd, Goldsboro, PA. You are invited to bring gloves to the church to be carried to the event, or talk to Pastor Gary if you are interested in attending.

* A mission trip to North Carolina is being planned for November 3-9. Interested in participating or supporting the effort? Contact Bill Toner or inquire at the church.

Beginning September 8: A new Bible study on the book of Jonah, led by Pastor Gary

Don’t forget to join us on Sundays after worship for a new Bible Study on the Book of Jonah. Too often, like Jonah, we try to run away from God when God gives us a difficult task. But God’s presence is everywhere, and we cannot outrun God. God has called us to be witnesses of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, mercy, and the eternal life with God that is offered through Jesus Christ.

Don’t run – Join us!


Join the Wednesday Study Group


A Study Group will begin weekly sessions on Wednesday September 11 at 10 am at the Peach Tree Restaurant, 251 N. Progress Ave., Harrisburg. Pastor Gary will start a new series based on connecting the Old and New Testaments.

Come and join us for breakfast and discussion!


Paxton Boiler Replacement Project

To quote a hymn, “The church is not a building…. the church is the people.” Still, we appreciate having a building that opens the door to so many opportunities for ministry and service.

Unfortunately, after 50 years, the boiler – part of the heating system – must be replaced. A purchase order was given to a local vendor. By fall, the project should be complete. This is a $35,000 unexpected and unbudgeted expense. We are grateful for all you give to Paxton now – your tithes, offerings, time, talents, and especially, your prayers. Thank you in advance if you can assist with additional funds for the boiler replacement.

Scholarships Awarded

Seven awesome individuals received college scholarship awards through the Cora Martin Weeber Scholarship Trust. The three pictured here – Rebecca, Sean, and Trey – are 2024 high school graduates. The other four awardees – Berlyn, Caroline, Katelyn, and Nickolas – have already completed one or more years of college. Congratulations to you all! We know God’s Love will continue to shine through you.  


UMC Mental Health Ministries highlighted on October 6

The United Methodist Church has policies and ministries related to mental health that we will support through a special offering on October 6. Learn more about UMC ministries here
Visit our online offering system here to make a one-time contribution or schedule a regular/reoccurring offering to Paxton UMC!
I am no longer my own, but thine. 
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. 
Put me to doing, put me to suffering. 
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. 
Let me be full, let me be empty. 
Let me have all things, let me have nothing. 
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. 
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.
– The Wesley Covenant Prayer
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