Paxton United Methodist Church exists to grow and share God’s Love.
Remembering Our Baptism – Jan. 12
Isaiah 43: 1-7; Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22
10:30 AM Fellowship Brunch after Worship
Adult study on Sundays after worship:
The Holy Spirit – What do you know and what do we believe? Join us after Sunday worship for Bible study and discussion to deepen our understanding of the Holy Spirit.
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Opportunities to Give and to Serve:
Join the Wednesday Study Group
A Study Group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10 am at the Peach Tree Restaurant, 251 N. Progress Ave., Harrisburg. Pastor Gary is leading a series based on connecting the Old and New Testaments.
Come and join us for breakfast and discussion, beginning in the new year on January 8.
Paxton Boiler Replacement Project
It has been heartwarming to see people respond to our emergency repair need. A new heating system now warms our church building. THANK YOU to all who donated to this emergency project. The new boiler has been installed, and the church is warm once again!